something creepy this way came


This October, we’ve celebrated crisp weather and crispier leaves, we’re capping it with something far less pleasant: a brief retrospective of all the creepiest work we’ve done, in honor of today, the spookiest of all holidays. We’ve hit a lot of notes here, starting at ‘This is vaguely unsettling’ and ending somewhere around ‘I wish I didn’t have eyes!’

Without further ado (and with our apologies), off we go. First, a couple of softballs…

These just feel a little off in an intangible way. Harmless in context, unsettling without. Also, they were both created as in-house, recreational projects, so there actually was no real context or instruction given.

Make of that what you will.

Then there’s the on-the-nose Halloween fare, for real-life clients. What could be better than someone hiring us for this kind of stuff?

For the posters, we partnered with WKU Symphony for print fliers advertising their fall concerts. Full credit where it’s due: they gave us the theme, and we just carried out the mission.

For Osage Casino, our dear friends at Ideaship Studios said, “Hey, what if…” and we took it from there. These animations are used seasonally as the entrance to the High Limit section of the casino floor. And yes, the candle one is Potter-inspired.

And finally, this category, a mixture of in-house animation produced for “fun” (using that super loosely) and for “work” (that doesn’t feel quite right either).

We’re still at Osage Casino with Ideaship Studios for this one, and while it was our idea, it came out even worse-better than I could have imagined. Do I want to know what they’re using it for? Absolutely not.

Here’s an in-house treat made during our Starwipe Collective series of free-form creative projects. This one’s giving creepy. It’s giving scary. It’s giving, “Oh, no, why!?”

And finally—again, so sorry—here’s a nod to a longtime inhabitant of our production room. I don’t remember why he was ever there. I don’t know why we let it go on so long, even as it got worse every day. With this digital ode, I guess he’ll live forever.

We’ll (he’ll) see you next spooky season.
