play list: this or that
You know what they say about all work and no play, so Olivia and I took a breather from all our summer work for a quick game of this-or-that with some of the CVW team.
If this isn’t the Becky-est thing on the internet right now.
The rules were simple: Pick one, and explain why if you so choose. There are some predictably deep divides between operations and production staffers—Olivia called it on which two of us are space-averse—and only two questions out of all of them that had the dreaded four-to-one set of responses.
morning or night
coffee or tea
Morganne: I drink coffee every morning so it’s sort of lost its novelty. Plus, you can’t make a London Fog latte with coffee, so…
Becky: Iced, large coffee with tons of stuff in it—the worst kind of coffee drinker.
art museum or history museum
fiction or nonfiction
Olivia: Nonfiction. I most love nonfiction that reads like fiction, like memoirs or stranger-than-fiction documentaries.
Micah: Fiction. Probably for the same reason that I prefer art museums over history museums. I just like to enjoy other people’s imaginations and stretch mine in the process.
driver or passenger
Kevin: I have this thing I do, which is wondering why other people are doing things the way they are, so in a car, it’s best I just front-seat drive so I’m not constantly back-seat driving.
Micah: I like being the driver most of the time, but if I’m traveling long distances on long, straight roads. I’d much prefer to be the passenger in that scenario.
city or great outdoors
invisibility or ability to fly
Becky: I’m afraid of heights. :(
Kevin: For years now, I’ve had a recurring dream that I can fly. There, I said it.
dogs or cats
Olivia: Even though recently a neighbor’s cat bit me as soon as I stopped petting it, I’m still and will always be Team Cats.
Kevin: I’m allergic to cats, so there’s that, but also they just look like they’re up to no good. You can trust a dog.
ketchup or mustard
Becky: Nobody eats French fries with mustard. I work with monsters.
Everyone else: Mustard.
deep sea or outer space
Morganne: Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate. Those seem like explanation enough. :D
Olivia: I’m scared of floating away, never to return, and the general idea of “infinity.” 🙃
And there you have it. You think you know the people you work with every day for years, and then suddenly you’re deep under the ocean with your dog, eating ketchup by yourself.