a farewell and a foreword


Happy New Year, almost!

These end-of-year messages become increasingly hard to write as each year lately seems exponentially more different than the one before. Last year was the first time CVWmedia worked nearly 100% remotely, disconnected in the physical sense but still, to be honest, kinda nailing it on the collaboration. And before that, 2020, which all of us would rather not speak about if we don’t have to.

So what was 2022?

It felt normal, almost. A new one. Settling into routines and practices that five years ago would’ve felt like they came straight from the moon. We’ve redefined what balance looks like for all of us and figured out better ways to support each other in that while still showing up daily for our clients. We collectively got pretty decent at giving slide presentations. Most curiously, we’ve even become accustomed to video meetings, which I personally used to like less than almost everything I’ve ever been asked to do at work.

Maybe the best way to sum up 2022 for CVWmedia is “the same, but different.” Some of our perpetual habits have made it through the seismic shift, proving our faith in them was warranted. We are thrilled to see longtime clients who weathered all kinds of things the last few years coming back with a good kind of vengeance.

And maybe the best way to wrap up 2022 is to look ahead. We’ve got a lot on deck for early 2023 that we can’t wait to show you (some of which we’ve been working on for months!!), but first, a little much-deserved holiday rest—hopefully for you, too.

We’ll e-see you soon.
