play list: august 2022
Oh hello, I didn’t see you there. How’s your summer been? Good, I hope. We’re picking up on our sports projects, but we found some time to ponder thought-provoking questions, like “What is a trilogy?” The answers will shock you.
What's your favorite song cover?
Becky: Cyndi Lauper’s “When You Were Mine,” lifelong answer.
Kevin: “Bring the Noise” by Public Enemy and Anthrax. Thirty years later, I’m still like…what did I just hear? (Is it breaking the rules if a band covers its own song by collaborating another band?)
Olivia: All covers by The Wednesday Band at The Deli. Most notably, they do a mashup of “I Wanna Be Your Lover” and “Wannabe” that’s super fun.
What's your favorite work project this year so far?
Becky: This answer might be a little bit of a cop-out, but I get so excited watching a new Sizzle Reel, not just because of the breadth of new stuff we get to add every year, but it’s one of the only times we get to see every single person’s contributions here in a single minute of video.
Kevin: It’s hard to top creating all the branding for Enel’s sponsor suite at Gillette Stadium in time for the upcoming New England Patriots season!
Micah: That would have to be my most recent project, the [redacted]. I was a bit worried at first, about [redacted] and doing it justice. However, once I got [redacted], the project really came together, and it became my favorite project so far this year.
We are not at liberty to say or show more until football season is underway.
What's your favorite YouTube video when you need a laugh?
I do not expect this to be universally funny, but I saw someone describe Run BTS as “seven adult millionaires fighting over a rice cooker,” and it’s more or less true.
Kevin: “One day, the guy on a buffalo…”
Olivia: Allow me to introduce - mr messtof!
Community theater has a special place in my heart, and I love everything about this video. It's a masterpiece. Look at him go! May we all be as jubilant and confident.
What's your favorite trilogy?
Kevin: The Family Guy version of the original Star Wars trilogy.
Ryan: I’ll cheat a little bit here. If it’s finished as good as the first movie, then Dune will be my favorite trilogy by far.
Micah: Indiana Jones. Yes, it’s a trilogy, okay? If anyone tries to tell you there are more than three Indiana Jones films, they are lying to you. There are only three, period, end of discussion.
What's something you're cheap about?
Becky: Any large-and-necessary purchase like a car or cell phone. I just want it to do whatever the primary thing it needs to do is, and I don’t care about the rest of it.
Olivia: I'm still holding out on Spotify Premium. It’s getting embarrassing.
Micah: I don’t think I can answer this question. The question says “something,” like a single thing. I, however, am cheap about almost everything…other than my personal computer. I don’t cheap out on that. Everything else I’m cheap about.
What's something you like to splurge on?
Kevin: Anything that saves time or reduces stress.
Ryan: Cheese. At the store I buy the cheapest everything except cheese.
Micah: As you may already know based on my answer for the last question: computer parts for my personal computer. I like to splurge when buying new parts or when I’m building a new PC.
What's a not-serious-topic you could give a one-minute rant about?
Becky: How kettle chips are not better than regular potato chips! And I would be VERY SERIOUS about it.
Kevin: I have an entire mental Rolodex of these, but let’s go with this one: can we all please agree that the right lane is for driving-while-minding-your-own-business-or-engrossed-in-a-conversation, and the left lane is for passing?
Ryan: Gift cards. You are essentially taking money that can be spent anywhere and turning it into inconvenient money just so you don’t feel bad about gifting money (you are).
Olivia: You can never have too many celebrities, but you CAN have too many celebrity skincare and makeup lines. Enough is enough!
Micah: Well, I’d have to say plugins for Adobe After Effects. In fact, I’m pretty sure I broke into a short rant about them just recently in a meeting…although for it to be a one-minute rant, you’d have to cut me off at the one-minute mark. Otherwise, it would turn into a much longer rant for sure.