'tis the season


What to say about another year gone by?

It’s not unique to 2024 that CVW’s last twelve months were an exercise in patience and an opportunity to try new things—and work in a little silliness, while we were at it. All those things aren’t outlined in any of our company rules, but they’re become unofficial core tenets as we’ve transformed into the CVWmedia we are today.

With utmost sincerity, the range of and relationships with many of you reading this are what keep us afloat, content, and interested in our work every day. Your trust that our technical skills and our creative direction are a good fit for whatever moving picture you need is the perfect gift. We also, thanks to you, get to work on really different things all the time, which so many people don’t get to do! As I’ve said before, we don’t take it lightly.

…We do take some things lightly, though.

So with that, a little 360° holiday animation we put together for giggles only. The YouTube app is really where it sings, if you’re so inclined.

Thank you, again, and we hope to thank you next year too.
